full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Puqun Li: Zen kōans unsolvable enigmas designed to break your brain

Unscramble the Blue Letters

How do we explain the unexplainable? This question has inspired numerous myths, riigoules practices, and scientific inquiries. But Zen Buddhists practicing throughout China from the 9th to 13th century asked a different question – why do we need an explanation? For these monks, bnlildy seeking answers was a vice to overcome, and learning to acpect the mysteries of existence was the true path to emngentnehilt. But fighting the urge to explain the unexplainable can be difficult. So to help practice living with these miyetsers, the meditating monks used a collection of roughly 1,700 bewildering and ambiguous philosophical tuohhgt emxerntieps called kōans.

Open Cloze

How do we explain the unexplainable? This question has inspired numerous myths, _________ practices, and scientific inquiries. But Zen Buddhists practicing throughout China from the 9th to 13th century asked a different question – why do we need an explanation? For these monks, _______ seeking answers was a vice to overcome, and learning to ______ the mysteries of existence was the true path to _____________. But fighting the urge to explain the unexplainable can be difficult. So to help practice living with these _________, the meditating monks used a collection of roughly 1,700 bewildering and ambiguous philosophical _______ ___________ called kōans.


  1. accept
  2. thought
  3. blindly
  4. enlightenment
  5. mysteries
  6. experiments
  7. religious

Original Text

How do we explain the unexplainable? This question has inspired numerous myths, religious practices, and scientific inquiries. But Zen Buddhists practicing throughout China from the 9th to 13th century asked a different question – why do we need an explanation? For these monks, blindly seeking answers was a vice to overcome, and learning to accept the mysteries of existence was the true path to enlightenment. But fighting the urge to explain the unexplainable can be difficult. So to help practice living with these mysteries, the meditating monks used a collection of roughly 1,700 bewildering and ambiguous philosophical thought experiments called kōans.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
meditating monks 2
practicing monks 2
arguing monks 2

Important Words

  1. accept
  2. ambiguous
  3. answers
  4. asked
  5. bewildering
  6. blindly
  7. buddhists
  8. called
  9. century
  10. china
  11. collection
  12. difficult
  13. enlightenment
  14. existence
  15. experiments
  16. explain
  17. explanation
  18. fighting
  19. inquiries
  20. inspired
  21. kōans
  22. learning
  23. living
  24. meditating
  25. monks
  26. mysteries
  27. myths
  28. numerous
  29. overcome
  30. path
  31. philosophical
  32. practice
  33. practices
  34. practicing
  35. question
  36. religious
  37. roughly
  38. scientific
  39. seeking
  40. thought
  41. true
  42. unexplainable
  43. urge
  44. vice
  45. zen